Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Does Cokroach Poo Look Like Can You Die From Eating A Female Cokroach?

Can you die from eating a female cokroach? - what does cokroach poo look like

I heard a rumor that if u eat cokraoach a woman lay eggs in you and the eggs hatch and could kill, I just wanted to know if it is true or not, and where his information, Thanks


Mimik said...

Wrong. But you can die from eating a cockroach men because their reproductive juices are toxic

kNOTaLIA... said...


The first answer is correct, but could not say the name of the first reaction.

Morph said...


SoupRAhY... said...

Your stomach acids dissolve

Nib said...

I think not allow the acid in the d'estomac, that this is happening. And some people, eating ...

SuperAmb... said...

No, you explode

morris said...

Your stomach does not digest insects and eggs. You get to eat protein. Some places to eat in the world, cockroaches.

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